the most amazing part is that there are two deadly thoughts inside of me that build one force. one wants to destroy humanity, the other wants to defy death. impossible divide! and this force, the force, my force is struggling inside my hurting brain. a force is struggling to write these words that are getting they are becoming they get scrambled more and more.
so look around. what do you see? all i see is misery stretching, yawning, then combing her long lost hair. nothing has changed. the world has a fine fibre floating across the land and the se7en seas. a horizontal veil made of a rubbery material that clogs the pores. pure thought can not breathe. we are misery. we are a volatile void that eats holes into the sky. poor world how you must suffer the myriads of us mischievous homunculi! how we must bore you to tears with our repetition of the ever-same. greed paired with stupidity is the fatal mix. a drug that keeps mankind sucking for more and more and more and more and more and more and mmmmmmmmmmmm more!
you do know that the drugs we take drug the water we drink?!
only the woman knows.
only she knows that there are two sides to every story.
ah, todd, my prince.
todd says: the daily production has ceased. the engine has stopped. ah. que bella machina! you ain't got no machina comme la mienne! admit it!
ich sage nichts. warum auch? look: todd hat die saiten gewechselt und blutet am anderen ufer. what? he is bleeding on the other side of the sea.